Burgates Lodge, Farnham Road, West Liss GU33 6JZ (SDNPA/18/04705/HOUS)
Working again for the client who lived in the West Liss Conservation Area, of which this site formed a part, careful research was made into this former farm building conversion to a modest dwelling, to inform a letter of objection to the South Downs National Park Authority.
The applicant was proposing to utilise open highway verge land to create some off-street parking and was also proposing a new principal point of entry, via a new porch extension. The property was assessed to be part of the curtilage of a Listed Building, so there was also a parallel application for Listed Building Consent. Details of the applications can be seen by going to –
Aside from impact to the significance of the buildings within the Conservation Area, matters of highway safety also came into play concerning established driver sight-lines and whether the applicant even owned the highways verge.
Sufficient harm was identified to cause the applications to be withdrawn.
Testimonial from the client:
"Steve at ACHIEVE Town Planning worked diligently to provide a technical critique of the submitted proposals at ST. Peter's Church, Saddlers, Snatch House and Burgates Lodge, all within very close proximity of my home, based upon published planning policy and guidance. This helped me to reinforce and structure the points of objection I wanted to make to the National Park Authority and their agents East Hampshire District Council. Steve's careful analysis on the submitted proposals was prepared to fairly short deadlines and of great assistance to me, representing good value for money."