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44 (and rear of 46) Spring Lane, Colden Common (15/00268/FUL, 15/02409/FUL)

Working again for clients Abbeywell Developments Ltd, with Malcolm Stevens of Metroscape preparing plans and drawings, a plot sub-division was sought to create three new houses from the abnormally long plots of 44 and the rear of 46 Spring Lane.  The scheme was project managed by Stephen Penfold Associates Ltd, who were instrumental in liaising with Southern Water to overcome that company’s objection to building close to a sewer crossing the site.

A semi-detached pair was proposed to the rear, served by a parking court accessed from Chestnut Avenue.  The third, detached house was to be built in front of No. 44.

Permission had previously been obtained to extend 44 and to reverse its layout such that it would also be accessed from Chestnut Avenue and what had been its front garden would become its back garden, backing onto the rear garden of the new detached house.

Strong objections were however lodged by adjoining neighbours and those -  particularly from 42 Spring Lane - found favour with elected Members of Winchester City Council’s Planning Committee.  Despite a favourable Officer recommendation and sunlight and daylight analysis report prepared by Sherlock Boswell Architects showing no adverse impact to natural light in No. 42, Members nonetheless found the third, detached house overbearing to occupiers of that house.

A revised application was quickly made for the rear semi-detached pair which Members had taken no issue with.  A fresh deputation was made for the client at the next Committee meeting, which by then had also included a viability report prepared by Mark Davis of Trinity Rose Chartered Surveyors, whose contents persuaded council officers to reduce developer contributions to be sought.

In the interim an Appeal was lodged for the third house, but regrettably the Inspector too found it to be overbearing to occupiers of 42 Spring Lane.

Since that time, different agents have been commissioned by the client, who ultimately secured permission under reference 17/01401/FUL for the third house by spinning its footprint through ninety degrees on the plot.

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