14 Cumberland Place, Southampton (13/00871/PA56)
The council confirmed its prior approval for the conversion of office space to 24 flats for client Orchard Homes. Working with a local transport consultant, Eric Woodgate, given the site’s location on a strategically important city centre ring road, the submission was co-ordinated by ACHIEVE, convincing the council that planning impacts in terms of transportation, contamination and flood risk were unlikely to be harmful.
The client has subsequently obtained planning permission under reference 14/01738/FUL to increase the building height to 10 storeys and adding a further 28 flats to the development.
Of more recent time a complete re-evaluation of the site was undertaken by others who obtained permission to completely redevelop, to build a 12 storeys high block as a student halls of residence (198 bedrooms) under permission 16/00400/FUL (with later adjustments) which is now well under way.