Former Battle of Minden PH, 127 Mary's Road, Portsmouth (17/00034/PAPA04 & 17/00865/FUL)
Representing Kipcroft Properties, who found me via my LinkedIn webpage, I brought in Chris Flint Associates and Transport Consultant Paul Denyer to engage with Portsmouth City Council’s pre-application planning service. The former pub was about to cease trading and the client wanted to pursue redevelopment and conversion options, including a partial change of the bar area to a shop, with a number of flats in the remainder of the building. The potential to extend and use the main roof void was also explored.
The client gained valuable insights into what the council would be likely to accept, including the amount of on-site parking likely to be sought. This crystallised the options to one of adaptation of the main roof void, first floor infill extension and conversion of the building to 6 flats. ACHIEVE then coordinated submission of the formal planning application, supported by a transport statement by Paul Denyer of pdt (Hampshire) including overnight surveys to identify parking stress, to justify the level of on-site car parking being put forward.
A number of residual issues emerged from the monitoring of 3rd party representations and the case officer wanting the roof infill profile modified. I was able to co-ordinate these adjustments, including quickly having the client commission John Poland of Hampshire Ecological Services Ltd, to confirm no bats were roosting at the site. I also liaised with the council’s Highways Officer to tease out how two additional car parking spaces might be accommodated on site, before Chris Flint properly amended the submitted plans.
These amendments were then reported to Members via a list procedure and attracting no request to bring the application to the Planning Committee, Officers were able to grant permission under their delegated powers.
Testimonial from client:
“The service offered was well informed, helpful and proactive in identifying potential solutions to problems.”