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Saddlers, Farnham Road, West Liss (SDNP/14/00597/FUL)

Acting for my client, who was seeking to resist an unacceptable plot sub-division accessed off the very narrow Church Street, a comprehensive review of the Development Plan was used to test the new development proposals for a further 4 houses.  A detailed letter of objection was drafted for the client’s approval, making full reference to all relevant local plan policies.

​Ultimately, harm to the Conservation Area, including a prominent oak tree and harm to the setting of the nearby Grade II* St Peter’s Church, arising from a cramped, unneighbourly overdevelopment, proved sufficient for the local planning authority to reject the proposals.  The Highways Authority also gave additional reasons for refusal, where insufficient parking and inadequate driver sight-lines would be likely to harm highway safety.  The proposals were then also dismissed at Appeal.  A subsequent application for 3 houses (SDNP/15/01649/FUL) was also resisted and a later scheme for two (SDNP/17/00351/FUL), has yet to be determined (as of 1.1.18), despite Historic England’s continued opposition.

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